Who is Hilde?

Hi there, I’m Hilde. I am the designer behind Scrapilde. I am not a professional designer but passionately self-taught.
Let me tell you the history of scrapilde:
In 2008 I came across a company that promoted the european scrapbooking style (scrapbooking with stencils). I immediately fell in love with this style and soon I took some courses. After a while I started teaching others how to scrapbook this style.
At that time, there was not much to be found on the internet about this way of scrapbooking, (Pinterest was still in its infancy), so I decided to start a website under the name Scrapilde. On my website I shared my pages. By sharing them I could introduce others to this way of scrapbooking and many years I inspired a lot of followers.
Fast forward to 2018: I expanded my physical scrapbooking world to the digital scrapbooking world.
I had developed my own style in the physical scrapbooking and I wanted to see that style also in my digital pages. Since good templates in the European scrapbooking style are rare and hard to find on the market, I started to design my own templates. Thanks to my years of experience with physical pages, I know this scrapbooking style through and through. I know what requirements a template in this style must meet and through trial and error I learned to perfect my templates to the high standard they are today.
Meanwhile Léa France (who is famous for her physical stencils in the European scrapbooking style) started offering digital stencils in this style for a while. I was so thrilled, they were exactly what I was looking for and beside my own templates I made many many pages with hers. I even made it into her designteam!
So the day the company was playing with the idea to put the digital templates on hold for a while I was heartbroken. Again there would be a void. At that time the idea sprouted to open a shop so I could offer my own designed templates to others.
And what’s more: Carine, the owner of Lea France, believed I was the PERFECT person to continue to sell the Lea France digital collection, so her precious legacy will remain available to other digital scrappers ! (Happy happy dance)
After all, it would be pity if this style disappears from the digital scrapbooking world.
Meanwhile, I still have plenty of unique designs and ideas in my head, ready to share with you, so embark and join me on this exciting journey.

Some little fact about Hilde:

I am a full time employee by day and a passionate scrapbooker by night.
I live in a little rural town in Belgium.
I have no children, but I do have two nice nieces, so you will regularly see something about or for them.
I have a great little straydog named Loeki, 3 cats and a chicken called pokpok.
I love all animals and I also have a big heart for nature.
In fact I see the beauty in weeds and in insects , but don’t let that put you off!
I don’t like the news and I don’t read the newspaper, that just makes me unhappy and upset.
I experiences the craziest adventures in my dreams, but sorry, I can’t tell them to you, they are not for publication.
I am convinced that you create your world yourself.

Happy scrappy greetings