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What makes Scrapilde’s templates so different from all other templates available on the internet?

My templates are designed with the European scrapbooking style in mind, also know as the LéaFrance style (worldwide) or the azza style (in Belgium and neighboring countries).
I have about 15 years of experience with this scrapbooking style, it has no more secrets for me.

In the european style of scrapbooking the focus lays on the photo rather than on the embellishment. It uses an ‘interlock’ technique that provides a uniform space between photos and paper elements.
Another characteristic of this style is the presence of all kinds of curved shapes that merge seamlessly into one bigger lay-out.
Furthermore, hand-drawn lines and frames in combination with a layer of chalk or ink finishes the page.

How does this all translate to my templates?

While the more traditional templates stick to rectangles, circles and simple basic shapes, my templates often give you a whole new range of new shapes for your photos.
What’s more, I use the interlocking technique for all my shapes! During the design process I pay special attention to the spacing between the different elements. The accuracy  is essential and contributes to the look of the page, so I spent a lot of time and attention on this detail.
Also I regularly add digital lines and frames to my templates or provide some elements with a layer of chalk/ink. This add real value to your finished pages.

You will not find all these features in other digital templates on the internet.

So I can say that my templates are real unique gems!

Happy scrappy greetings,

Happy scrappy greetings


4 thoughts on “What makes Scrapilde’s templates so different from all other templates available on the internet?

  1. I am so happy you have decided to venture out into the template industry. I look forward to seeing your creations.

    1. Thank you for your sweet comment, I hope you will love the templates. Never hesitate if you have any remarks or suggestions!

  2. I’m so glad that you decided to continue making and selling digital templates for Lea France stencils! I got your website address from the LFA Help Desk. It would be nice if your website could be mentioned as a partner on the LFA website for other digital scrapbookers.

    1. I will ask Carine if it is possible to mention it on her website, thanks for the idea

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