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Walk in Ravels (Belgium) – S007


In this post you see a page created with the digital template S007 (ScrapildeDesigns)
This page belongs in my album of our day trips.
I used 4 photos in this layout.


The photos were taken during a walk in a nice little wood in Ravels Belgium.
I think the combination of te 2 dotted paper in different size goes well together.

About the digital templates:

Using these types of templates gives me the opportunity to scrap digitally, while still staying true to my style, also know as the european scrapbooking style.
You can buy this and other templates on my website. There is already a nice collection available, so be sure to take a look in my shop.
I specify with each template wich formats are provided, most of the time I proivide following formats:

PSD format for photoshop (elements)
PAGE format for Artisan (English language software)
PNG and TIFF for any software that can work with PNG and TIFF
I also provide a SCALB file of my own designs, to be used in the Studio-scrap software.

Do you want to know more about digital scrapping with templates or do you have any questions? Then leave a message and I will help you on your way.

Happy scrappy greetings

Happy scrappy greetings

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